Berlean Idiomatic Phrases and Slang

မီခြဥ ယြုငီဖ၊ ငေိုယ ယြုဂြိပ။
(Mieklr flrniek, nhurf flrgluob.)

“The smaller the jellyfish, the bigger the sting.”

မီခြဥ ယြုပြိစ၊ ငေိုယ ယြုခိစ။
(Mieklr flrbluos, nhurf flrkuos.)

“The prettier the jellyfish, the uglier the sting.”

ဂုယာခ မြိခ ဇီငေိုယ၊ စုယာခ မုာခ ဇီစိုယ။
(Grvak mluok zienhurf, srvak mark ziesurf.)

“Today stings painfully, tomorrow touches tenderly.”

ငီမ စီဂင ဂဝု ဇဧ ဇြေထ ယြဧ။
(Niem sirgrn gur zie zlrzlr flie)

“Use your time wisely” but also “Stop to smell the roses”
(a phrase that acts as a reminder of transience)
Lit. “There is a single cloud among the stars.”

It is the first line of a famous Berlean poem:

ငီမ စီဂင ဂဝု ဇဧ ဇြေထ ယြဧ
ငီမ ဇီယြဥ ရှတု ဇဧ ယြာမ မီယဥ ငဧ
ရတု ငှီခ ပဧ ဂြီဖ ဇဧ ငြာကဥ ငတ ဇီရခဥ
စဧ ရမပါကဥ ဇဧု မာရခဥ ဝီရ ဒိမ မီရခဥ

Niem sirgrn gur zie zlrzlr flie
Niem zievlr lhar zie flam mirf nie
Lar nhiek bie gliep zie nlagh na zielk
Sie lrmbagh zir malk yel duom mielk

“There is a single cloud among the stars
Gliding overhead with haste as it passes by
But here I stand watching time
And I realize that this twilight could be my last”

ဂြပာဂ ငတ ဇြုကာဖ
(glbag na zlrghap)

“to do the impossible”
Lit. “to cultivate chanterelle mushrooms

ပီရဥ ဇဧ မီခြဥ ဇီရဧု
(bielr zie mieklr zielir)

“to feel malaise”
Lit. “to feel like a jellyfish


“to have ulterior motives”
Lit.”to be poisonous, false (as in a mushroom)


“deceitful person”
Lit. “a false mushroom

ရာငဂဧ ငတ စုခထ
(langie na srksrk)

“good luck” or “(to) give it all you got”
Lit. “(to) fight the wind

ဇိုဂ ငတ ယုမ
(zurg na frm)

“to be screwed,” “to have no hope,” or “to give up”
Lit. “to soil oneself

ခြုပာဂ ယိုပြုငီခြ
(klrbag furblrnielk)

“Crap! Goddammit!” (expletive)
Lit. “the forblernelks are burning

(Forblernelks are a traditional muffin-like dish made with the immature fruiting bodies of stinkhorns.)


“a highly attractive person”
Lit. “a fragrant flower


“someone oblivious or socially inept”
Lit. “white-eyes” or “cloud-eyes


“someone defensive who tries to hide their soft side”
Lit. “stone-flower


“a jerk” or “a prick”
Lit. “offspring of a stinkhorn”

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